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魏真真,19897月生,副教授,硕士生导师。20173月毕业于东华大学纺织材料与纺织品设计专业,获工学博士学位。20159月至20168月在英国谢菲尔德大学材料科学与工程学院跟随goran ungar教授访学一年。20173月到苏州大学纺织与服装工程学院工作。目前,申请人以第一或通讯作者在期刊energy storage materials, journal of power sources, electrochimica acta, composites science and technology, composites part b-engineering, composites part a-applied science and manufacturing, chemical engineering journal, langmuir, journal of colloid and interface science, journal of polymer science part b: polymer physics等学术期刊上发表sci论文27篇,授权国家发明专利5项,主持科研项目8项,参与编写教材4部,指导学生参与学科竞赛获奖20余项。












[1] gu jy, feng yt, wei x, zhang cc, peng ts, lu l, wei zz*, zhao y*. flexible fibrous separator asymmetrically coated by silica and mxene for high performance lithium batteries with enhanced safety. journal of power sources, 2023. 581: 233515.

[2] zhang k, chen hz, huang hq, wei zz*, zhao y*. water-soluble ammonium polyphosphate synchronously enables mechanically robust and flame-retardant cellulose composite separator for high safety lithium batteries. journal of power sources, 2023, 558: 232627.

[3] wei zz*, yu ly, lu sq, and zhao y*. reversibly thermo-responsive materials applied in lithium batteries. energy storage materials, 2023. 61: 102901.

[4] chen hz, wang zc, feng yt, cai sy, gao hp, wei zz*, zhao y*. cellulose-based separators for lithium batteries: source, preparation and performance. chemical engineering journal, 2023. 471: 144593.  

[5] xing j, fan wx, li jy, wang zc, wei zz*, zhao y*. orientation gradient architecture of nanofibrous separator towards mechanical enhancement and ion transport acceleration for lithium-ion batteries. electrochimica acta, 2023, 441: 141794.

[6] zhou yg, fan l, li hq, cui yj, yu sf, wei zz*, zhao y*. fibrous separator with surface modification and micro-nano fibers lamination enabling fast ion transport for lithium-ion batteries. chinese journal of polymer science, 2023, 41(2): 222-232.

[7] pan c, wei x, feng yt, wei zz*, zhao y*. wo3-composited polyimide nanofibrous separator with superior mechanical properties and high capacity for lithium-ion batteries. journal of materials science, 2023. 58: 10686-10698.

[8] cai sy, liang yx, wu jl, chen hz, wei zz*, zhao y*. crosslinked pva/citric acid nanofibrous separators with enhanced mechanical and thermal properties for lithium-ion batteries. batteries, 2023. 9: 556.

[9] guo t, chi hj, wei zz*, zhao y*. under-oil superhydrophilic/superhydrophobic janus nanofibrous membrane for highly efficient separation of surfactant-stabilized water-in-oil emulsions. langmuir, 2023, 39(46): 16668-16675.

[10] jiang s, bi z, wang j, zhao j, fan l, tian l, wu y, yi n, wei zz*, gan f*. construction of novel cu-α-diimide interactions for enhancing thermal resistance and dimensional stability of polyimide films. journal of materials research and technology, 2023. 25: 1920-1930.

[11] yu ly, gu jy, pan c, zhang jy, wei zz*, zhao y*. recent developments of composite separators based on high-performance fibers for lithium batteries. composites part a-applied science and manufacturing, 2022, 162: 107132.

[12] cheng c, wei zz*, gu j, wu z, zhao y*. rational design of janus nanofibrous membranes with novel under-oil superhydrophilic/superhydrophobic asymmetric wettability for water-in-diesel emulsion separation. journal of colloid and interface science, 2022, 606: 1563-1571.

[13] guo xs, li jy, xing jx, zhang k, zhou yg, pan c, wei zz*, zhao y*. silkworm cocoon layer with gradient structure as separator for lithium-ion battery. energy technology, 2022, 10(4): 2100996.

[14] xing jx, li jy, fan wx, zhao tq, chen xy, li hq, cui yj, wei zz*, zhao y*. a review on nanofibrous separators towards enhanced mechanical properties for lithium-ion batteries. composites part b-engineering, 2022, 243: 110105.

[15] wang yb, zhang j*, li w, xie xl, yu ww, xie l, wei zz*, guo rj, yan h, zheng q. antibacterial poly(butylene succinate-co-terephthalate)/titanium dioxide/copper oxide nanocomposites films for food packaging applications. food packaging and shelf life, 2022, 34: 101004.

[16] yang sg, wei zz, cseh l, kazemi p, zeng xb, xie hj, saba h, ungar g*. bowls, vases and goblets-the microcrockery of polymer and nanocomposite morphology revealed by two-photon optical tomography. nature communications, 2021, 12(1): 5054.

[17] li jy, zhang yz, shang r, cheng c, cheng y, xing jx, wei zz*, zhao y*. recent advances in lithium-ion battery separators with reversible/irreversible thermal shutdown capability. energy storage materials, 2021, 43: 143-157.

[18] wei zz*, gu jy, zhang fr, pan zj, zhao y*. core-shell structured nanofibers for lithium ion battery separator with wide shutdown temperature window and stable electrochemical performance. acs applied polymer materials, 2020, 2(5): 1989-1996.


(1) 魏真真; 张凯; 赵燕; 一种锂电池用纤维素隔膜的制备方法, 2023-12-12, 中国, zl202211046856.3

(2) 魏真真; 郭雪松; 顾嘉怡; 张轶茁; 赵燕; 一种锂电池隔膜用生物质纤维复合膜及其制备方法, 2022-5-20, 中国, zl202010417300.5

(3) 魏真真; 郭雪松; 黄慧琴; 赵燕; 潘志娟; 一种耐穿刺纤维复合膜及其制备方法, 2021-10-8, 中国, zl202010417382.3

(4) 魏真真; 顾嘉怡; 赵燕; 一种锂离子电池隔膜及其制备方法, 2021-01-15, 中国, zl201910767161.6

(5) 魏真真; 潘志娟; 一种超亲水聚酯纳米纤维膜及其制备方法, 2019-06-25, 中国, zl201710958227.0




