1.t zhao, t zhang*, z xu, y zhao*, emulsion-based, flexible and recyclable aerogel composites for latent heat storage,journal of colloid and interface science2022, 627, 72-80. (top期刊)
2.x li, t zhang*, j lu, z xu, y zhao*, emulsion-templated, magnetic, hydrophilic−oleophobic composites for controlled water removal, langmuir 2022, 38, 1422-1431. (top期刊)
3.j xie, c liu, hgui*, y ding, c yao, t zhang*, nanofibrous, hierarchically porous poly(ether sulfone) xerogels templated from gel emulsions for removing organic vapors and particulate matters,colloid surfaces a2022, 648, 129172.
4.s yang, z xu, t zhang*, y zhao*, emulsion-templated, hydrophilic-oleophobic aerogels with flexibility, stretchability and recyclability,polymer 2022, 250, 124886.
5.syang, z xu, t zhao, t zhang*, y zhao*, emulsion-templated, hydrophilic and underwater oleophobic pva aerogels with enhanced mechanical property, colloid surfaces a2022, 653, 129979.
6.tzhang*, h cao, h gui, z xu, y zhao*, microphase-separated, magnetic macroporouspolymers with amphiphilic swelling from emulsiontemplating,polymer chemistry 2022, 13,1090-1097.
7.j lu, t zhang*, z xu, yan zhao*, octodecane-cellulose nanofiber flexible composites for latent heat storage,chemical engineering journal 2021, 131432.(top期刊)
8.s xue, y wu*, g liu, m guo, y liu, t zhang*, z wang*, hierarchically reversible crosslinking polymeric hydrogels with highly efficient self-healing, robust mechanical properties, and double-driven shape memory behavior, journal of materials chemistry a 2021, 9, 5730. (top期刊)
9.z wu, t zhang*, h zhang, r liu, h chi, x li, s wang, y zhao*, one-pot fabrication of hydrophilic-oleophobic cellulose nanofiber-silane composite aerogels for selectively absorbing water from oil–water mixtures, cellulose 2021, 28, 1443. (top期刊)
10.jlu,g gao,r liu,c cheng,t zhang*, z xu*, yan zhao*, emulsion-templated porous polymers: drying condition-dependent properties, soft matter2021,17, 9653-9663.
11.z wu, h sun, z xu*,h chi, x li, s wang, t zhang*, y zhao*, underwater mechanically tough, elastic, superhydrophilic cellulose nanofiber-based aerogels for water-in-oil emulsion separation and solar steam generation,acs applied nano materials 2021, 4, 8979−8989
12.b jiang, t zhang*, z xu, y zhao*, wet-spun porous fibers from high internal phase emulsions: continuous preparation and high stretchability, journal of polymer science 2021, 59, 1055.
13.t zhang*, z xu, x li, g gao, y zhao*, closed-cell, phase change material-encapsulated, emulsion-templated monoliths for latent heat storage: flexibility and rapid reparation,applied materials today 2020, 21, 100831. (top期刊)
14.t zhang, y zhao*, m silverstein*, cellulose-based, highly porous polyurethanes templated within non-aqueous high internal phase emulsions,cellulose 2020, 27, 4007.(top期刊)
15.,*, ,,, *, amphiphobic polyhipes with ph-triggered transition to hydrophilicity–oleophobicity for the controlled removal of water from oil–water mixtures,polymer chemistry 2020, 11, 6935.
16.q guo, t zhang*, z xu, x li, y zhao*, a single covalently grafted fluorolayer imparts intrinsically hydrophilic foams with simultaneous oleophobicity and hydrophilicity for removing water from oils, colloids and surfaces a 2020, 605, 125380.
17.t zhang*, z xu, h chi, y zhao*, closed-cell, phase change material-encapsulated monoliths from a reactive surfactant-stabilized high internal phase emulsion for thermal energy storage, acs applied polymer materials 2020, 2, 2578-2585.
18.t zhang, r sanguramath, s israel, m silverstein*, emulsion templating: porous polymers and beyond, macromolecules 2019, 52, 15, 5445.(top期刊)
19.h gui, g guan, t zhang*, q guo*,microphase-separated, hierarchical macroporous polyurethane from a nonaqueous emulsion-templated reactive block copolymer, chemical engineering journal2019, 365, 369.(top期刊)
20.h gui, t zhang*, q guo*, nanofibrous, emulsion-templated syndiotactic polystyrenes with superhydrophobicity for oil spill cleanup, acs applied materials & interfaces 2019, 11, 39, 36063.(top期刊)
21.t zhang, x li, w wang, z xu, y zhao*, interface-initiated polymerization enables one-pot synthesis of hydrophilic and oleophobic foams through emulsion templating, macromolecular rapid communications 2019, 1900288.
22.t zhang*, m silverstein∗,robust, highly porous hydrogels templated within emulsions stabilized using a reactive, crosslinking triblock copolymer, polymer 2019, 168, 146-154.
23.r zhang, y wu*, h zhang, s xue, m guo, t zhang*, a facile strategy toward hydrophobic–oleophilic 3d fe foam for efficient oil–water separation journal of materials science 2019, 54, 13358-13367.
24.t zhang*, h gui, z xu, y zhao*, hydrophobic polyurethane polyhipes templated from mannitol within nonaqueous high internal phase emulsions for oil spill recovery, journal of polymer science part a, polymer chemistry2019, 57, 1315.
25.t zhang*, m silverstein*, microphase-separated macroporous polymers from an emulsion-templated reactive triblock copolymer, macromolecules 2018, 51, 10, 3828.(top期刊)
26.h gui, t zhang*, q guo*, closed-cell, emulsion-templated hydrogels for latent heat storage applications”, polymer chemistry2018, 9, 3970.
27.t zhang*, m silverstein*, highly porous, emulsion-templated, zwitterionic hydrogels: amplified and accelerated multi-responsive uptakes, polymer chemistry2018, 9, 3479.
9.superabsorbent structure, 以色列发明专利259063。
10.hipe templated zwitterionic hydrogels, process of preparation and uses thereof, 以色列发明专利255404。
e-mail: zhang.tao@suda.edu.cn